🌟 Celebrating Client Successes! 🌟

Hi, Jakki here. Tis the season to reviewing and reliving client stories and celebrate their achievements. This year, we’ve had the privilege of working with several clients transitioning from one job to the next. Often, they’d spent multiple months job hunting, many getting interviews but without a job offer.

Three common themes emerged in their stories:
🀨 Subconsciously diminishing their skill sets and experiences
πŸ€” Unclear on their “wants versus needs” for the roles
😢 Struggling with how to network or introduce themselves in a confident and authentic manner

While these themes are common, each client is unique, so we employed several tools from the Coaching Toolkit:
πŸ“£ Core Energy Coaching to identify and remove the inner blocks holding them back
πŸ“― Confidence Module from CORE.E Dynamics (iPEC Toolkit)
πŸ”” Values Assessments & Visioning Toolkit
🎡 Decision Analysis (from the Decision Focus Toolkit)
🎢 USP (Unique Selling Proposition) personal branding tool

And the results?

Our clients gained the confidence to speak and write about their values and skills, and to focus on who they were being, not just doing. Today, they are all enjoying their new roles, with several having negotiated higher positions and salaries in roles they desired.Β  “Mom” even had the pleasure of having coffee with a local client who just celebrated his one-year anniversary with his company and is excited about his career trajectory! (I had to stay home…)

From these clients, We’ve learned:
πŸ”¦ How easy it is to diminish ourselves and our strengths, especially as the job search gets longer
πŸ’‘ How often we put extrinsic values ahead of our true values when making decisions
πŸ•―οΈ The difference it makes in an interview or network conversation when we focus on who we are versus trying to “sell ourselves”
πŸͺ” Despite unique stories, we have so much in common when it comes to these types of transitions

We are thankful for the opportunity to serve and learn from these amazing people. Here’s to more success stories and continuous growth!